Last year I created a tween bedroom for my oldest son.
But there was one little "nook" I didn't show you.
It's a vanity area. But, my dirty little secret is that it spent the better part of a year looking like this...
This, my friends, is called a DIY fail. I tried to do a lime washed effect with chalk paint, and as you can see, it didn't work out too well for me.
I convinced myself that I would try again. Someday. In the meantime, my tween became a teen and I started working on other projects. It seemed this poor little vanity would forever remain in it's pathetic state.
School was about to start for the year, and my son asked me to please, at least, reattach the cabinet door.
I decided to forget my grand plans of some special paint effect, and just paint the darn thing already!
So that's what I did. I painted the cabinet with BM "Chelsea Gray."
It only took about an hour, and I love the color. Why didn't I do this sooner??
I used Benjamin Moore's Advance paint. No sanding, no priming, and the finish is great.
So glad I'm not hiding any dirty little secrets anymore… at least as far as you know :)