Maybe a little virtual retail therapy will help? I thought so :)
Here are a few things that caught my eye at HomeGoods the other day.
You will notice I photographed quite a few blue and white objects, as I was shopping with my mom's dining room in mind.
These tufted storage ottomans were available in red and brown, too.
That black and gold mirror was calling my name. I had to ignore him as part of my 12 step program for mirror addiction.
This was a pretty substantial ginger jar. I came home with two smaller ones. They don't have a large selection of them, but I've scored 4 in the past two weeks.
Sorry about the blurry iPhone pics. I'm sure someone must have been shoving me in the back with a cart when I snapped this one.
Another sleek, hip mirror.
These little ottomans looked fresh and fun.
If you need a plaid blanket, this is the time to get one. I searched for months when I needed one for my son's tween room. Now they are everywhere. So it goes.
Lest you think I only shop at HomeGoods, I also hit the local Tuesday Morning yesterday. I find it to be very hit-or-miss, but I have found a couple of items there lately that I am totally digging.
I didn't take a picture, but I bought two seagrass doormats for seven bucks each. Score!
Also, I was surprised and delighted to see these..
Kantha quilts for $39.99.
I've been searching high and low for a kantha, but sadly, central Indiana is not an international shopping mecca. It's hard to find vintage ethnic textiles. Who woulda thunk that Tuesday Morning would be so cutting edge?
I liked the pattern of these dog beds. I didn't get one though. Last time I brought home a new dog bed, Lucky peed all over it. This is my life, people.
Well, I hope that little shopping trip calmed your nerves. Now you can get back to your Thanksgiving preparations.
Hang in there! We'll be in a food coma soon enough :)