I spent the better part of the weekend tearing down wallpaper. Why does that always sound like fun until I'm so far in that there's no turning back? That darn glue never seems to want to come off! Today I'm going to prime the walls, so hopefully, I'll have some pics for you soon.
Since I'm still suffering from post mouse traumatic stress disorder, I figured a little retail therapy was in order. And, guess what? A few purchases later, I am feeling much better. I'm sure my husband will be thrilled. Wanna see what I got?
First stop: Home Goods.
I found these adorable little pieces to use in my living room cabinets.
I love HG, because you can find so many things for just a few bucks. I could have filled this entire cabinet in one HG trip, but I am exercising restraint :)
Second stop: Anthropologie
Since my mouse friends used my oven mitts as chew toys, I picked up a new pair.
And I couldn't resist this lovely tea towel. (So thankful I had a gift card burning a hole in my pocket!)
They make my ugly oven just a little bit cuter!
I was going to do only white pieces in my living room cabinet, but I brought home one of these plates to try it out.
You probably don't recall, because it's been so long since I've done anything with my living room decor, but the plate picks up a lot of the colors in the fabric I'll be using.
I think I'll live with it for a little while.
I hope you are having a terrific week, and if not... might I suggest a little retail therapy? :)