Remember all the beautiful white bathrooms from my inspiration photos that I blogged about here? Well, one of my absolute favorite rooms is from Atlanta-based designer, Lori Tippins.
I fell in love with the gorgeous mosaic marble floor tiles she used, and contacted her to determine exactly what size they were. I was so excited to get the same tile for my bathroom. That is, until I told my mother.
Now I don't know how your mothers are, but you shouldn't ask my mother something unless you want the cold, hard truth. Her response went something like this: "Oh Carolyn, you can't possibly be serious about a white floor. You're never going to be able to keep that clean. It's totally impractical." When she accompanied me to the tile store, she repeated that sentiment to the salesman. "She can't have a white floor with all that hair of hers. When she blow dries it, it will be all over the floor, and she's not a very good housekeeper." Well, then, I'm glad the tile guy was filled in on my dirty little secrets. Thanks for sharing, mom.
Deep down, I knew she was right had a point, but sometimes having to be practical really stinks. I spent the rest of my time in the tile store half-heartedly looking at "other" options, while secretly stealing glances at all that beautiful mosaic marble that wouldn't be gracing my floors. Pity party!
Dave, my tile guy, was giving me all kinds of practical porcelain to choose from. Nothing was peaking my interest until he pulled out a sample tile I never would have considered. It was called "Ceramica Pitti."
The tile is 6 x 24, and looks like it could pass for a painted wood floor. It is mostly blue with hints of green and even pink in it. With so much color, it surely won't expose any dirty little secrets. Pitti party!
I couldn't completely abandon my marble dreams, so I chose this gorgeous ming green marble and glass mosaic as a shower accent.
The shower floor will be done in this beautiful tumbled 2x2 carrara marble.
Although it was difficult to give up my original dream, I am really excited about the floor tile. I think it will look unique, pretty and of course, it won't show dirt and hair (ewww...), so I guess being practical isn't so bad. And, as much as I hate to admit it, my mother was right.